Wednesday, October 29, 2008


This poem is dedicated all the victims of hatred particularly to those affected by MNS sponsored violence. I have tried to translate the poem in English as my friend 'partha' asked for it.
लहू-लहान हुई धारा,
भाई-चारा चल बसा,
नफरतों की ज्वाला से,
घर अपना ही जल गया.

ठुकराया गया अपने देश में,
गया सताया इस देश में,
कैसे दिखाए अपनापन,
तू है पराया इस देश में.

कैसे करू तुझको नमन,
मुझको बता ऐ भारत माँ,
जब तेरे ही बेटों ने मुझको,
घर से निकाला ऐ हिंदुस्तान.

गर्व तुझपे था जो,
हो गया है पूरा खंडित,
अगले जन्म में ऐ भारत,
न कहलाना मेरी मातृभूमि.
English Translation

There is bloodshed on land,
Feeling of brotherhood has gone,
Flames of Hatred,
Have burnt my own home.

Insulted in my very own land,
Tortured in this land,
How to show affection,
When I am stranger in my own land.

How can I salute you,
Tell me O motherland!,
When your own sons,
Expelled me O Hindustan!

The pride in my land,
has been completely shattered,
In my next birth, O India!
I wish you won't be called my motherland

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